Sunday, February 21, 2010

A shout out to my girls

When my mother named me, she had no idea how unique I would become, which is probably why she saddled me with such a lackluster and common name as Lucy. Derived from the Latin word "lux" meaning light, I’ve grown to love my new name thanks to all the famous Lucy’s out there in the world. Here’s a shout out to some of the equally noteworthy individuals in this world with which I share my name.

There’s the obvious, Lucille Ball. It’s also obvious why we share a name…we both have beautiful strawberry blonde hair.

Then there’s the lesser known and less photogenic 3.2-million-year-old ape “Lucy”. Discovered in Ethiopia 1974, she was the earliest known human ancestor species until last year, when remains pre-dadting Lucy by one million years were unearthed according to National Geographic.

We recently lost another famous Lucy…Lucy O’Donnell Vodden, the subject of the Beatle’s song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” On Sept. 22, 2009, Vodden died of following a long battle with Lupus.
According to Rolling Stone, in 1966 Julian Lennon brought home a drawing of his classmate Lucy O’Donnell (her maiden name) and described it to his father as “Lucy in the sky with diamonds.”

Lastly, there’s Lucy Liu. I debated on whether or not to include her in the list, but I’m giving her a plug because she’s Asian, and because my mother always calls me Lucy Lou.

Let me know if I'm forgetting someone. Clearly it is an honor for them to share the "Lucy" spotlight with me!

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