Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm still alive

Hey folks. My mother said she's been getting a lot of people asking if I'm still alive and how I'm doing, so I figured I'd better blog. My mommy has been busy freelancing and looking for a better job, so she really hasn't had time to write for me. I am feeling really great lately actually and am navigating the stairs quite well. In other news, I'm still the prettiest dog in the world, at least that's what my mommy tells me everyday. She also told me I have the sweetest smelling breath in the world. I give her as many kisses as she'll allow me to.

I recently went on a trip to a place called Hoppyville. There was a lot of action...actually a little too much for me. Thankfully mommy put my bed in her cabin and left the door open so I could come and go as I pleased. It was refreshing to be out in the great outdoors for long periods of time.

Recently my mother has been having trouble remembering to let me in after she lets me out to go the bathroom. And I'm the old one? Sometimes she leaves me out there for as long as 25 minutes, leaving me no choice but to wander into the neighbors yard, or to the bar on the corner in hopes someone will see me and call the number on my tag. Mommy was pretty sad that she deleted one of the voice mails left by one of the kind souls who found me wandering the streets a few weeks ago. She realized after the fact that it would have made a great blog.

Well, I'll try to write more soon.


  1. Great to hear from you Lucy! Hang in there!

  2. Lucy!! I <3 you!! PS - I know you're wandering down to the bar on the corner in the hopes that someone will give you a tasty beverage! ; )

  3. It's actually kind of comical, when Lucy was a little girl, she would often wander to the bar around the corner of where we lived when I was in college. That was back before there were cell phones, but after a few incidents of this behavior, the folk at the Woodshed knew Lucy and would kindly call me on my landline to let me know she had found her way there so I could come get her. I think they had me on speed dial. It seems she's reverting back to her puppy behaviors.

    Lucy's Mom
